Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March brings some new pictures

Alright, it's been a busy, got to see some new friends, and got
to make some new clients.  here are a few pictures i snapped of some of the things i have 
been working on

 These two are on my friend Rosie, part of a mermaid/mario half sleeve
 One of the best walk ins i've had in a while!

 Part of a half sleeve on my friend Rachael, we have been piecing it together for a bit now
Finished off this outer halfsleeve the other day, not what i normally do, but very fun!

Also, my shop now has a facebook page, so please take the time and and "like" it

I will also have some shop shirts for sale as well soon

Friday, February 25, 2011

Prints For sale....

Here are some prints of some art i've done over the past few years, click on the image to see a bigger picture, and be directed on how to buy....

Bird BitchGangstaWolf GirlSplit skullsSailors graveSkulls!PiratesGhostbustersFutureC.R.E.A.M.

Some of my favorites (part 1)

So, as luck would have it...i set up a blog, and then all of the fun tattoos i have been doing, have seemed to all dissapear.  Oh well, these things happen, so to keep this thing up and going, and not looking so bland....  I'll add some pictures, so here ya go...

 This little guy is on my buddy Travis, i've done a few things on him...but this little walk
in banger, is one of my favs
 This is on my coworker Erin,
I love this tattoo! ha
 This is on a good friend of my Sean Swift
Please Take a minute and read through his blog. very entertaining
And this little letter opener and love letter is on my lovely lady!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Alright...Here we go...

So now I move onto the world of blogs....I fucking hate that word "blog"  I know it is short for "web log", but seriously, it sounds like the sound of vomit hitting pavement after you had to much to drink.

Enough on that...

This is (hopefully) where i can update with some cool tattoos and paintings i have been doing, and just rant for a bit about not doing said tattoos and paintings.   Plus whatever I feel like putting up.

thanks for checking it out!   now for some murder city devils